聯(lián)系顧問:0755-8671 9620
RAPID-POSTE : Key numbers
220 destinations served by the Rapid-Poste Network all around world.
33 specialized agencies cover the whole Tunisian territory
More than 400 contact points in the post offices giving these services.
100 driver- Men
More than 3000 Rapid-Poste items(parcels and documents) are delivered in the whole Tunisian territory.
An annual turnover of 20 million dinars
Rapid-Poste is on your service to offer you the complete and innovating solutions for taking care of all your shipments (collecting, forwarding, electronic track and trace, clearance through customs, distribution).
More than 1200.000 shipments annually entrusted to our Network.
More than 12000 calls monthly by our call-center 1828.
More than 2500 subscribers to Rapid-Poste benefit from the collecting at one's home and from a personalised assistance.